
What we wish to do:

We looked at the three substorm phases, and the energetic precipitation during that period.

We did this for isolated, multi-onset substorms outside storms. And substorms within storms.

We found the average precipitation spectra for each of these phases, and the average electron ionization profiles.

We evaluated solar-wind driving during these phases, and the corresponding effect of the precipitation.

Guessing what we will find:

Substorm growth phase has some energetic precipitation, that is independent of the strength of the substorms - but rather depends on the storm-recovery phase. CSS depends on the storm recovery phase, as radiation belts are full.

Substorm recovery phase, and multi-onset substorm, have the maximum energetic precipitation.

The proportion of energy within energetic precipitation is highest during recovery phase, and it is ~30% during peak precipitation in the growth phase.

For substorms with storms, energetic precipitation is infact higher than substorms outside storms.

For expansion and recovery phase, the precipitation linearly increases with driving, or AL index.


Energetic precipitation carries majority of the energy during substorm expansion and recovery phases. And for multi-onset, and ones within storm phases.


  1. How does the energy spectra of precipitation vary with substorm phases?
    1. Growth phase/ Expansion phase/ Recovery phase
    2. Isolated single onset/ Isolated multi onset/ Compound (non isolated)
    3. Storm time/ non-storm time
  2. Within these phases, how does the precipitation vary with solar wind driving?
    1. Is the response linear or non-linear?
    2. How can we connect this to STORM and SMILE?
  3. Does the energetic precipitation during growth phase have optical signature, statistically?


Q1 Fig1. Superposed epoch time series with SML and precipitation, with average phase-start and stop times marked. [Similar question in Draft Paper 4: Conductivity contribution of energetic precipitation during substorms]

Q1. Fig 2. Type of substorms flow chart

Q1 Fig3. Average precipitation spectra varying with phase, substorm type, storm flag.

Show, percentage of flux from energetic electrons

Q2 Fig 4. Superposed epoch time-series of average precipitation varying with driving for different substorm types

Q2 Fig 5. SW driving vs. energetic precipitation for different substorm types

A different paper(?)

Q3 Fig 6. Table showing optical signature vs. growth phase precipitation.


Type of substorms: